14 November 2011

Music Promo Video Full Story Board & Shot Types

Before recording the footage for our music promo video, it is extremely beneficial to devise a storyboard, displaying each scene of the music promo video in order, with each particular shot type and movement we will be using for each scene. The full storyboard we have produced for our music video, with the final selection of shot types and movements, is displayed in the images below. 

Music Promo Video Full Storyboard

We have ensured to plan and sketch both the beginning and end of the music promo video fully, as they provide more of a narrative and organised order to follow. However specifically, for the middle 'party' section of the music video, we will be creating a fast paced montage of a variety of video clips. Therefore, although we have planned a few video clips we would definitely like to include in the montage as a basis, we will be taking a large number of video clips from different angles of a variety of behaviour on the day of filming. 

Producing a full story board plan, ensures as a group we are aware of what footage needs to be taken and provides a basis for how it should appear. When recording the footage, we will be aware of what personnel and props should be included in the footage and where to position the camera and how it should be moved. This will create a more orderly and organised production process, and ensure our music promo video is created how we hoped. 

10 November 2011

Music Promo Video Location Recce

Before filming our music video, it is important that we have completed the recce questions to ensure we have taken into consideration everyone’s health, and everyone will be safe whilst taking part.

Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your music video will take place?
As we will be filming our music promo video in outdoor areas such as a forest, wooded area and a derelict  building, there could be a number of potential hazards. Within the woods, there could be a number of tripping hazards such a  branches or rocks. Tripping hazards could also be present in the building, if there are any rocks or empty objects laying around. There could also be sharp  objects present in both areas, such as broken bottles, which could be very dangerous. 

What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
To ensure these risks are minimized, we will film in a small part of greenery area, which we will ensure has no broken branches or rocks lying around. However if there is, we will clear the area firstly. In the building, to minimise hazards, we will clear out the place first, not only to ensure we can move around safely but to also ensure we can get all personnel and equipment into the place or building.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the music video? Have you allowed for this?
As the music video will be recorded in outdoor areas, we need to make sure the weather is clear of both rain and wind. This could interfere with the overall music promo video, the effect we are trying to achieve and the costume and make up of those will be present in the video. This could also damage the recording equipment. We would also like to record a portion of our video at dusk, this may not provide us with enough time to record the entire portion. Therefore we may also need to record that specific portion of the video over multiple days.

Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?
The majority of the music promo video, will be recorded in a derelict building, which has very few windows. Although we would like the video to have quite low key lighting, we still need to actors and action to be visible to the viewer, therefore we may need at least one source of lighting such as a spotlight or even simply a lamp. The portion of the video which we will be recording at dusk, will be recorded in the wooded forest area, as we may need lighting for both the area and on the camera, to help illuminate the area and ensure the scenes and characters are visible on the camera, this will require a light source which will be mobile and easy to move around and carry. 

Do you need permission to record your music video in the place/venue you have in mind?
The first proportion of the music video will be shoot in the garage of one of the group members, therefore this will only simply require the permission of her, in order to arrange a time suitable to her. We will also be recording a portion of the video in a wooded, forest area, however this is a public area and is particularly rather quiet, so we won't need permission to film or be inflicting with any members of the public. 

Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?
The majority of the video will be recorded indoor, therefore other then those involved in the music promo video, there will be no public crowds of people. The portion of the video however, which will be recorded outside, people walking around could become an issue. However the locations we are filming in are rather quiet therefore this may not be an issue, but if people do walk past during filming we will have to simply wait or politely ask them to move.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time?
For our music video, we will be featuring a large number of people, to ensure the party atmosphere looks professional and sufficient and gain the chaotic effect we desire. Therefore we will need to get in contact with everyone and arrange a time in which everyone will be available to be in the recording.  The props we will be featuring in the music video such as water guns, belong to the members of the group, therefore we do not require permission, as they have planned in advance to bring them along to the video shoot. The equipment we will be using, the tripod and the video camera, will be borrowed from the media department at our college. Therefore we will need to get permission from our lecturer before borrowing the equipment to record and ensure other groups do not need the recording equipment at the same time, which could interfere with our recording schedule.