04 February 2012

Music Promo Video Chosen Location (Original Images)

After producing the research, shown previously, for the location of our music video, we wanted to locate the majority of our music video in a derelict/disused warehouse/building and also in a wooded/forest area. However as we were worried about whether we would have to gain permission to film in an actual disused warehouse, we aimed to find a room or building which would could gain access too, that would just provided us with the appearance of a disused warehouse/building. 

Outer house/Garage Before Items Were Removed

Outer house/Garage Before Items Were Removed

Outer house/Garage Before Items Were Removed 

Outer house/Garage Before Items Were Removed
Above is an image of the location which we used for the indoor 'party' proportion of the video.  The location we used is my garage/outer house building, with all of the items seen in photograph above removed. We felt this would be appropriate, specifically as it gave a derelict appearance, with a cement floor and bare brick walls, creating the illusion of a disused building. We also felt that as the room was quite small this would play to our benefit, as with a small number of people, the footage would still appear as if the room were quite packed and busy, like an actual party. 

Disused Warehouse

Above is an image of the location we used for the morning after sequence of the party. This location is the disused warehouse we had intended on originally filming in. However as we were unable to gain access to it, we simply filmed the location from a particular angle, whilst my self and Nikki were walking away from the building, to allow it too appear as if we were leaving the warehouse and the party had taken place inside, when placed directly after the party footage. 

The image above, displays the last location we used for the music video. This location displays the tree/forest area which is situated nearby the disused warehouse location. We chose this location, as it causes the location of the party to appear as if it were in the middle of a desolate location. This location also benefits the music promo video, as it also provides a good view of the surrounding sky, displaying the sunrise, allowing the viewers to see that it is the morning after the party. 

One Of The Group Members Houses

One Of The Group Members Houses

One Of The Group Members Houses
Asides from the main locations used within the music video, we also used Nikki, one of the group members  house as the location for the beginning of the story, which can be displayed in the image above. We simply used this location for the beginning of the story, in which I myself, is persuading Nikki to come out the party. 

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