04 March 2012

Music Promo Video Second & Final Draft

After gaining the feedback from the first draft of our music promo video, our peers enjoyed the way we had placed the video clips together and the narrative which we had created and applied to the music video, with their only specific criticism being that there was no music soundtrack or dialogue, however we had intended to add this too the second draft of our music promo video, regardless. 

After placing all of the video clips together to create the narrative concept, we then need to alter the video to the create the final draft. To do this we simply uploaded the video into Adobe Premiere Pro and changed the video to reverse speed, to allow the video to play backwards, allowing the end of the video 'the morning after', to play at the beginning of the video. After the reversed portion of the video has finished, when then wanted the music promo video to then begin playing forward again, however this time with the dialogue audible. In order to this we then added the original video clips, with sound, of the specific part in which I, myself am persuading Nikki to come to a party. After placing all of these video clips together, we then uploaded the soundtrack 'We Are Rockstars by Does It Offend You, Yeah?' and placed the song over the top of the video clips. Furthermore, we also lowered the volume of the song on the area in which it is placed over the video clips with dialogue, ensuring the dialogue can be heard clearly by the entire audience. After completing all of the above, the final draft of our music promo video was complete, which is displayed below. 

After viewing the final draft of our music promo video, we are very pleased with the final outcome.  We are happy with the outcome of the narrative, specifically in that we were able to create the video exactly how we had intended, beginning with the morning after a party, then displaying a montage of the party with a variety of camera angles and finally ending with the beginning of the party. We are also pleased with how close we were able to create the music promo video to the initial drawn story board and shot types, which furthermore ensures we have a large variety of shot type, angles and movements included.  Although there are a few continuity errors, in the form of jolts or an accidental pause, we feel the editing and continuity overall is quite professional and completed sufficiently. Although, the quality of the camera is rather grainy and could be of a better quality, we felt it was more suitable as it reflected the careless and chaotic nature of the 'party' theme and narrative within the music promo video. Overall we feel our music promo video, portrayed our theme of 'party and chaos' very well and is very consistent with both the CD digipak and the magazine advertisement, to allow the audience to identify each aspect of our project with one another. 

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