02 March 2012

Music Promo Video First Draft

For our music promo video we wanted to play the majority of the music video in reverse, with a small portion at the end playing in the correct time format. This would display the events of the party from end to the beginning in reverse, with the music in the background and then beginning to play the night from the beginning correctly, yet this time with dialogue. However before we could edit the music video into this format, we needed to combine all the separate video clips we had taken together to create the story and party montage. Below is the first draft we had created of the music video, which displays the overall story correctly, however without the dialogue or music added. 

We have placed the clips together, using the software Adobe Premiere Pro. We have placed the clips together in the correct time format, to display the story from beginning of the night to the end of the night. The story begins with my character knocking on the door of my friends house (Nikki) and persuading her to come out to have a 'quiet night out'. This night out is then displayed in a serious of clips, like a montage, that jump rapidly from one another to emphasise the chaotic nature of the events. The story then continues onto the morning after, displaying two of the band members (myself and nikki) falling out of the disused warehouse and attempting to get home by walking through a near by forest area. We are very pleased with how well the video clips seem to blend in with one another quite effortlessly, to create a better continuity and professional appearance. 

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