05 March 2012

Peer Feedback - Music Promo Video Final Draft

In order to see if our music promo video has been successful and is appealing to our target audience, we conducted peer feedback. To do this, we displayed the final draft of our music promo video, to our media class peers, of whom are within the age group of our target audience and asked them to write down both positive and negative feedback on post-it notes, with positive comments on the pink post-it notes and negative comments on the yellow post-it notes. The feedback which was placed on the post-it notes, is displayed in the photographs which are shown below. 

Positive Feedback Comments 

Negative Feedback Comments

From viewing the feedback, we are very pleased with the positive comments that were gained and we feel we have created a professional music video, which appealed to our target audience successfully. Our target audience felt that our video appeared very professional with a good use and variation of shot types and angles. In particular they enjoyed the use of the hand held camera, as it allowed them to view the footage as if they were seeing it from the perspective of an individual, which made the video appear more realistic, relating to them more effectively. They also liked the idea of choosing to play the footage in reverse as they felt it was rather unique, interesting and and original concept. Lastly, they also felt the video depicted a good and accurate representation of teenage life, which we were very pleased with as our main aim was to create a realistic music video, that would easily relate to the lives of our young target audience. Although in general our peers felt that the concept and idea of the video was very good, they also gave negative comments, mainly targeting the editing and audio. Many felt the length of time for some of the scenes and shots lasted too long, specifically to be paired with such a fast paced music track. However although we do agree with this statement, we had to include some shots of a longer time length, to allow the video to last the entirety of the song. Many also felt the dialogue audio which was featured, was rather quiet and hard to hear. To ensure the audio was louder, we could have re-recorded the dialogue separately, and then placed the audio over the original scenes. Many also felt that the video lacked a storyline and was very repetitive. However we intended the video to be quite chaotic, as we felt this reflected the controversial theme of the overall project and was also better suited to 

When gaining feedback from our peers within our media class, we were aware this was rather a small sample of our target audience, and may not paint a clear representation of whether our music promo video appeals to our target audience successfully. Therefore to gain a larger sample, in addition to gaining peer feedback from our media classmates, we also wanted to upload our music promo video onto the internet. To do this, we opted to chose to upload our music video to two popular social networking websites YouTube and Tumblr. 

Uploaded Music Promo Video Onto YouTube

Uploaded Music Promo Video Onto Tumblr

We chose these two particular websites, as they are extremely popular with the age group of our target audience. Therefore this would allow our music promo video to be viewed by those of our target audience age group, from a large number of people, of whom have internet access for free, allowing us to determine whether we had appealed to our target audience sufficiently. Unfortunately, as we had only recently finished the music promo video, it has not been uploaded onto either of these social websites long enough to generate a large number of responses. Therefore, we simply had to view the small number of comments the videos had gained, with many feeling we had a good use of camera angles and shot types and a unique idea, using a montage and playing the video in reverse, which we then took into account with the comments made by our class peers, for an overall feedback. 

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