19 October 2011

Music Promo Video Location Ideas (Original Images)

Before creating our music promo video, we discussed as a group where we would possibly like to record the video. We would like to record our video in a urban locations, such as derelict buildings and forest areas. Therefore to gain some inspiration for the specific locations we will chose, we searched for locations within our local area to see what was available. Below are some photographs, displaying a variety of different urban areas which we found within our local area:

Music Promo Video Location Ideas

We have chosen an urban area, as we wanted to present a chaotic atmosphere, which will be emphasised through the use of derelict buildings and woodland locations. These type of areas, also seemed to be very popular in the music videos which we chose as inspiration and had a similar theme and music genre too ours, which would allow us to keep to the stereotypical conventions for our music video, ensuring it looks more professional and consistent of the genre. 

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