05 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover Initial Photo Shoot Practice & Chosen Image (Original Images)

Before taking the actual photographs for the front cover of our CD digipak, I first set up my camera on the tripod and took initial practice shots of the other group members in the positions they would be standing in, in the actual photographs. This allowed us to check how far away and where we needed to place the camera to ensure the correct proportion of the models and location were in the photograph, and they could be seen clearly and were not too far away. It also enabled us to see whether the location worked well and the lighting from the sky and both the flash of the camera was sufficient, to ensure we could see the models and it was not to bright. 

Photo Shoot Tester Shots
Below are the two tester photographs we took. Here it was evident that the camera was placed too far away from the models, as too much of the location was present in the photographs, specifically of the grass, whilst the models were distant, meaning their props and facial and body language was hardly visible. 

Photo Shoot Initial Practice (Unusable Photographs)
After taking our tester shots with the camera, to ensure the camera was correct, we then began to take the photographs for our CD cover.

Above is the first image which was taken. Although the props and poses and position of models were correct, the focus on the camera moved due to the windy weather conditions, causing the photograph to become blurry and out of focus.

Above is the second image which was taken. Although we fixed the focus on the camera and ensured the camera was fixed to the tripod correctly to make sure the wind would alter the camera, the timer we had set appeared to go off too soon for the photograph. This meant unfortunately some of us within the photograph had  moved or began to talk, as we were not ready for the photograph.  However we did particularly like the pose and facial expression Laurie (end left) displayed, therefore we decided we will use this image of her on the front cover image. 

Photo Shoot Chosen Photographs
For the the other images we produced, the focus, poses and facial expressions were perfect for each photograph. The only difference between each image, was a slight minor change in the body language or pose by each model. Therefore we will simply choose the best image for each model, combining the best image of myself, Chelsea and Nikki, with the image we chose of Laurie above in Photo Shop, for the front cover image. This will allow our CD digipack front cover to look professional and help us to achieve the dramatic effect we hope for.

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