04 October 2011

Photo Shoot Location Recce

Before taking our photographs, it is important that we have completed the recce questions to ensure we have taken into consideration everyone’s health, and everyone will be safe whilst taking part.

Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place?
As we will be taking our photographs outdoors, there are multiple potential hazards which could take place. If it does rain, this could damage electrical equipment, specifically the camera, but could also cause electrical shocks if the items are to be touched. There could also be a major risk of trips and falls, over any of the props or equipment, or any other items that maybe left lying around outside.

What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
To help minimise these potential hazards, we will make sure to take the photographs on a day which is dry and sunny. However if the weather unfortunately is too change, we could use a marquee to ensure the outdoor backdrop is still visible, but the equipment will still be safe and dry. We will also make sure to clean the entire outdoor area first, to make sure there are no large or sharp objects lying around. The props used must also not be left lying around after using them within the photos, and must be placed in a reasonable place, such as on a table.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?
As we will be taking the photographs outside, we will need to ensure the weather is nice and not raining as this could spoil the costume and make-up of the models and not too windy as this could disrupt the movement of the camera tripod, however if the weather is too change we will have  marquee nearby. We will also need to take the images during the day to ensure all the models, props and details will be clearly visible in the photographs and we will not need any extra lighting equipment to highlight this, as we will be relying on natural light sources. 

Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?
The background we will be using is a fence or a brick wall, which is in a closed area of our friend’s garden; therefore it will be particularly easy to ensure we get the background we want. An issue which could interfere with the background would be the weather however, which we have addressed in the above questions. 

Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?
For the photographs we will be taking, we will be using all outdoor natural lighting. Therefore an issue which could arise, maybe, if the sun is too bright, this could reflect on the camera lens and cause the photographs to be very bright, making it hard to identify any of the personnel or props within the images, which are important in our photographs to project the right effect. Therefore on my camera I will be using a flash that is best suited to a sunny weather condition, which will allow the camera to take the photographs with as much clarity and precision as possible.

Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
As we will be taking the photos in the back garden of one of the group members we will only need permission from her. This is much more reliable as it is easier to plan when we can take the photos and the most suitable time, as she is part of the group.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?
As the entire group will be featured in the photographs and the photos will be taking place at one of the group members house, we have all arranged to come together at an appropriate time in which we will all be available and the venue will be available. The camera we will be using to take the photographs is my personal camera; therefore we did not need permission to use this. I felt this was more appropriate, as I had knowledge and felt comfortable using it could and access the photos afterwards easily. The tripod which we will be using for the photographs, we have borrowed from the media department in our college.  Although these are rather easy to gain access to, it could also gain problems for our group. If the images need to be delayed and taken at a different time, another group may require the the tripod for their coursework, therefore it will not be available to us. Therefore we must plan in advance, when the tripod will be available to us with our lecturer. 

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