07 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft

CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft

This is the first draft for our CD digipak front cover, which we are very pleased with. This is quite similar to our initial flat plan we created, however we have made a few changes and alternatives, which I feel benefit our cover. We have used very few props compared to what we initially intended, however I feel this has turned out much better, as if many props were to be used this could have distracted attention away from the band members. I feel it would be very important to ensure the band members are the main focus, as this would allow audiences to identify them and then connect them or identify them within the music video, or visa versa, to allow the overall package to be effective and consistent. In addition we have kept the font we intended, however we have also added a crinkled paper texture, which we feel works very well and creates a very unique effect, rather then just having plain text. We also added a vintage border effect, which we feel works very well with the washed out, faded colours and compliments the entire image and theme very well. 

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