12 October 2011

Magazine Advertisement Third Draft

Magazine Advertisement Third Draft

This is the third draft for our magazine advertisement. Although we were very pleased with the second draft of our magazine advertisement, after receiving feedback from our lecturer, there were a few minimal changes she suggested which we felt would benefit our magazine advertisement, allowing it to appear realistic and professional. We have added a quotation to the Kerrang magazine review, which is featured at the top of the page. This allows to relate greatly to our target audience, who enjoy indie, electronic and the rock genre of music and of whom most are likely to purchase or read Kerrang magazine. Observing a favourable review from a magazine they regularly enjoy or trust to provide a good choice a music, may encourage them to be interested in listening to or even purchasing the CD. We have also placed endorsement logos, in the bottom left hand corner, which appeared to be a conventional aspect of magazine advertisements. These consist of the logos for both Pepsi and Blackberry, which we have particularly chosen as these brands are very popular and commonly present within the the lives of our target audience. Furthermore, we have also placed a faint image of the CD digipack front cover onto the iPod. This simply allows the iPod to appear more realistic, whilst also further promoting the front cover to the audience, encouraging them to identify the CD within stores. 

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