17 October 2011

Peer Feedback - (Printed Tasks) CD Digipak & Magazine Advertisement Final Drafts

To ensure the final draft of our printed tasks, the CD digipak and the magazine advertisement, are completed to the most professional standard possible, and also appealed to our target audience, we thought it would be most suitable to gain feedback from our peers, who are among the age group of our target audience. To gain this feedback, we printed out both our printed tasks and glued them onto large pieces of paper, allowing our peers to annotate there thoughts and opinions around the printed tasks on the paper. To display how we conducted the feedback, we recorded this onto a video, which can be displayed below. 

However, although the video displays how we conducted the feedback, it is difficult to see what our peers annotated upon the pieces of paper. Therefore to display the specific feedback our peers wrote around the printed tasks, we also took photographs of each piece of paper, which are displayed below.  

Magazine Advertisement Feedback

CD Digipak Front Cover Feedback

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Feedback

CD Digipak Back Cover Feedback

From viewing the feedback which was gained from our class peers, we are very pleased with the outcome of our final print products. For both our products, the majority of the feedback provided was very positive. For our magazine advertisement, our peers felt we had a good layout, we had a nice and relevant use of colour and they particularly liked the use of the music reviews which was placed at the top on the playing card. They also liked how the things placed around the image, such as iPods ect, are relevant to both the style and genre. For the CD digipak, we also received very positive feedback. They felt the colours we had used, fit very well with the image and the overall product and the images used were of a good quality, meaning the overall product looked professional. They also felt the photos and fonts used were very well done and professional and the cluttered layout, has a nice effect on the product and suits the theme very well. We are very pleased overall that we have been able to appeal to our target audience effectively and that they liked our finished products and felt they were similar to those of a professional standard. 

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