14 November 2011

Music Promo Video Full Story Board & Shot Types

Before recording the footage for our music promo video, it is extremely beneficial to devise a storyboard, displaying each scene of the music promo video in order, with each particular shot type and movement we will be using for each scene. The full storyboard we have produced for our music video, with the final selection of shot types and movements, is displayed in the images below. 

Music Promo Video Full Storyboard

We have ensured to plan and sketch both the beginning and end of the music promo video fully, as they provide more of a narrative and organised order to follow. However specifically, for the middle 'party' section of the music video, we will be creating a fast paced montage of a variety of video clips. Therefore, although we have planned a few video clips we would definitely like to include in the montage as a basis, we will be taking a large number of video clips from different angles of a variety of behaviour on the day of filming. 

Producing a full story board plan, ensures as a group we are aware of what footage needs to be taken and provides a basis for how it should appear. When recording the footage, we will be aware of what personnel and props should be included in the footage and where to position the camera and how it should be moved. This will create a more orderly and organised production process, and ensure our music promo video is created how we hoped. 

10 November 2011

Music Promo Video Location Recce

Before filming our music video, it is important that we have completed the recce questions to ensure we have taken into consideration everyone’s health, and everyone will be safe whilst taking part.

Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your music video will take place?
As we will be filming our music promo video in outdoor areas such as a forest, wooded area and a derelict  building, there could be a number of potential hazards. Within the woods, there could be a number of tripping hazards such a  branches or rocks. Tripping hazards could also be present in the building, if there are any rocks or empty objects laying around. There could also be sharp  objects present in both areas, such as broken bottles, which could be very dangerous. 

What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
To ensure these risks are minimized, we will film in a small part of greenery area, which we will ensure has no broken branches or rocks lying around. However if there is, we will clear the area firstly. In the building, to minimise hazards, we will clear out the place first, not only to ensure we can move around safely but to also ensure we can get all personnel and equipment into the place or building.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the music video? Have you allowed for this?
As the music video will be recorded in outdoor areas, we need to make sure the weather is clear of both rain and wind. This could interfere with the overall music promo video, the effect we are trying to achieve and the costume and make up of those will be present in the video. This could also damage the recording equipment. We would also like to record a portion of our video at dusk, this may not provide us with enough time to record the entire portion. Therefore we may also need to record that specific portion of the video over multiple days.

Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?
The majority of the music promo video, will be recorded in a derelict building, which has very few windows. Although we would like the video to have quite low key lighting, we still need to actors and action to be visible to the viewer, therefore we may need at least one source of lighting such as a spotlight or even simply a lamp. The portion of the video which we will be recording at dusk, will be recorded in the wooded forest area, as we may need lighting for both the area and on the camera, to help illuminate the area and ensure the scenes and characters are visible on the camera, this will require a light source which will be mobile and easy to move around and carry. 

Do you need permission to record your music video in the place/venue you have in mind?
The first proportion of the music video will be shoot in the garage of one of the group members, therefore this will only simply require the permission of her, in order to arrange a time suitable to her. We will also be recording a portion of the video in a wooded, forest area, however this is a public area and is particularly rather quiet, so we won't need permission to film or be inflicting with any members of the public. 

Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect?
The majority of the video will be recorded indoor, therefore other then those involved in the music promo video, there will be no public crowds of people. The portion of the video however, which will be recorded outside, people walking around could become an issue. However the locations we are filming in are rather quiet therefore this may not be an issue, but if people do walk past during filming we will have to simply wait or politely ask them to move.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time?
For our music video, we will be featuring a large number of people, to ensure the party atmosphere looks professional and sufficient and gain the chaotic effect we desire. Therefore we will need to get in contact with everyone and arrange a time in which everyone will be available to be in the recording.  The props we will be featuring in the music video such as water guns, belong to the members of the group, therefore we do not require permission, as they have planned in advance to bring them along to the video shoot. The equipment we will be using, the tripod and the video camera, will be borrowed from the media department at our college. Therefore we will need to get permission from our lecturer before borrowing the equipment to record and ensure other groups do not need the recording equipment at the same time, which could interfere with our recording schedule.  

19 October 2011

Music Promo Video Location Ideas (Original Images)

Before creating our music promo video, we discussed as a group where we would possibly like to record the video. We would like to record our video in a urban locations, such as derelict buildings and forest areas. Therefore to gain some inspiration for the specific locations we will chose, we searched for locations within our local area to see what was available. Below are some photographs, displaying a variety of different urban areas which we found within our local area:

Music Promo Video Location Ideas

We have chosen an urban area, as we wanted to present a chaotic atmosphere, which will be emphasised through the use of derelict buildings and woodland locations. These type of areas, also seemed to be very popular in the music videos which we chose as inspiration and had a similar theme and music genre too ours, which would allow us to keep to the stereotypical conventions for our music video, ensuring it looks more professional and consistent of the genre. 

18 October 2011

Time Management (5 Weeks To Go)

Within our media coursework, we have completed all of the research and inspiration we needed to create the initial ideas for our music promo video, CD digipak and magazine advertisement. Afterwards, we then created the first drafts for all aspects of our printed parts of the overall package. Through producing numerous pieces of feedback, we have created and amended a number of drafts for each aspect until the final drafts were produced successfully. Therefore overall we have created and finished the final versions of our printed coursework.

With 5 weeks to go until the final deadline, we are now focusing on the music promo video. So far we have planned:
  1. the initial plot idea
  2. the genre conventions we would like to include
  3. costume and make-up ideas
  4. character ideas
  5. the song we will be using as the soundtrack/to create the music promo video to
  6. a rough copy of the story board and shot types
This has provided us with almost all the research and planning we need to create the final draft of our story board and shot types, to create our music promo video, which we will produce within the next 5 weeks. In order to do so within the next 5 weeks we must:
  1. consider and chose the final location for our music promo video
  2. complete the location recce for the music promo video to ensure the health and safety of everyone who will be taking part, is taken into consideration 
  3. the props we will require for the music promo video are available
  4. after producing all the planning, we will then go onto shooting and filming the music promo video 
  5. this will then need to be edited appropriately, with the soundtrack we have chosen added to create the final music promo video and complete the overall package

Music Promo Video Story Board & Shot Types - Initial Beginning Sketches

Before we can begin to record our music promo video, it is important that we plan each scene beforehand, to ensure everyone within the group and involved in the video are aware of what they are doing. Before designing the storyboard, we first wrote down a list of ideas, of the scenes we could include in the music promo video, which can be displayed below.

Music Promo Video Scene Ideas

After drafting initial ideas for our music promo video scenes. We then began to devise a storyboard, in order to see how we would set the scenes out. Below is the example storyboard we created, displaying the first 10 shots from our music promo video.

Example Music Promo Video Storyboard

This is an extract from our overall storyboard, featuring the first 10 shots of our music promo video. We have included a small description under each shot draft, featuring what is in each shot and what camera angle, movement and shot type will be used. Creating a storyboard before producing our music video is extremely helpful, as it will provide a more orderly production process and keep the group on track with what scenes need to be filmed and how, ensuring our project is completed, specifically to our final plan.

17 October 2011

Peer Feedback - (Printed Tasks) CD Digipak & Magazine Advertisement Final Drafts

To ensure the final draft of our printed tasks, the CD digipak and the magazine advertisement, are completed to the most professional standard possible, and also appealed to our target audience, we thought it would be most suitable to gain feedback from our peers, who are among the age group of our target audience. To gain this feedback, we printed out both our printed tasks and glued them onto large pieces of paper, allowing our peers to annotate there thoughts and opinions around the printed tasks on the paper. To display how we conducted the feedback, we recorded this onto a video, which can be displayed below. 

However, although the video displays how we conducted the feedback, it is difficult to see what our peers annotated upon the pieces of paper. Therefore to display the specific feedback our peers wrote around the printed tasks, we also took photographs of each piece of paper, which are displayed below.  

Magazine Advertisement Feedback

CD Digipak Front Cover Feedback

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Feedback

CD Digipak Back Cover Feedback

From viewing the feedback which was gained from our class peers, we are very pleased with the outcome of our final print products. For both our products, the majority of the feedback provided was very positive. For our magazine advertisement, our peers felt we had a good layout, we had a nice and relevant use of colour and they particularly liked the use of the music reviews which was placed at the top on the playing card. They also liked how the things placed around the image, such as iPods ect, are relevant to both the style and genre. For the CD digipak, we also received very positive feedback. They felt the colours we had used, fit very well with the image and the overall product and the images used were of a good quality, meaning the overall product looked professional. They also felt the photos and fonts used were very well done and professional and the cluttered layout, has a nice effect on the product and suits the theme very well. We are very pleased overall that we have been able to appeal to our target audience effectively and that they liked our finished products and felt they were similar to those of a professional standard. 

16 October 2011

Magazine Advertisement Fourth & Final Draft

Magazine Advertisement Fourth & Final Draft

This is the fourth draft we have created, for our magazine advertisement. As a group, we were extremely pleased with the third draft we had created and had intended to use the third draft as the final and finished draft for our magazine advertisement. However after receiving feedback, from both our lecturer and peers, we felt it would be beneficial for the overall package to redesign and remake the front cover of our CD digipak. Therefore once we had completed the second draft for the front cover of our CD digipak, we then needed to replace the original front cover which was featured on the CD case and iPod with the new design. This simply allows the product to look professional and consist with the CD digipak, whilst also our audience to identify and associate the magazine advertisement with the CD digipak, which would allow them to successfully find and purchase the item. Therefore as we are very pleased with the final alterations and changes, this will be featured as the final draft of our magazine advertisement. 

15 October 2011

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Second & Final Draft

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Second & Final Draft

This is the second draft we have created, for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak. We were very happy with the first draft which we created for the inside sleeve, in particular how similar we were able to create it, to the initial design of how we had hoped the inside sleeve would appear. However, within the first draft, we intended to place photographs within the polaroids featured, unfortunately we had not taken part in the photo shoot yet to produce these photographs. Now that we have taken the photographs and selected which specific ones we would like to use, we have edited them to create the desired effect we wanted to achieve, specifically a very vintage and dishevelled appearance. We then afterwards, placed the completed photographs into each polaroid, in order to complete the final draft of the inside sleeve. In addition, we have also had to make one small alteration to the overall layout. As evident in the first draft of the inside sleeve, their appears to be four polaroids, featuring the names of the four group members. However, as one of our group members has left the group, we will no longer be featuring her within the inside sleeve. Therefore we have removed one of the polaroid images and will be only featuring the three remaining group members within the inside sleeve. 

14 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover Second Draft

CD Digipak Front Cover Second Draft

This is the second draft we have created, for the front cover of our CD digipak. Although, we were extremely pleased with the outcome of the first draft of our front cover, after receiving feedback from our lecturer, she felt that after creating the other aspects of the CD digipak, the front cover no longer seemed consistent with the package, whilst furthermore she also felt the overall front cover and particularly the image, could be more controversial to suit our chosen theme. However, rather then changing particular aspects of the initial first draft creation, we felt it would be more beneficial to redesign the front cover from scratch. To the background we have added a wooden texture, which is covered in a variety of colourful paint splatters. This allows the front cover to be in keeping with the inside sleeve and the back cover of the CD digipak and the magazine advertisement to create a professional looking consistent package, whilst also allowing the audience to identify that the magazine advertisement is in fact advertising this CD, due to the the high consistency between each. The paint splats also add a very chaotic effect to help emphasise the careless nature of the target audience, primarily teenagers, whilst also reflecting the careless nature of the characters within the music video. We have placed the photograph onto the wooden background, whilst also adding a white border, to create the appearance of a polaroid picture. This again, is very consistent with the inside sleeve of the CD digipak, whilst also adding a realistic effect which the target audience can relate to, allowing the photograph to appear like a candid photograph from a regular party any teenager/young adult would participate in. Lastly we have also cigarettes to the front cover, which allows the front cover to be in keeping with both the inside sleeve and back cover of the CD digipak, whilst also emphasising the controversial nature of the overall package. 

13 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover Amended Photo Shoot & Inside Sleeve (Original Images)

After gaining feedback from both our lecturer and our peers, it was evident that many felt the image used on the front cover was simply not controversial enough to be consistent with the theme we had created and the plot for our music video. Therefore we will be re-shooting the image for our front cover, again using an outdoor backdrop and the use of props such as cigarettes and alcohol, but perhaps using a different use of body language and more effective use of props, to create a more controversial and consistent front cover. As we also produced the flat plan and design for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak after producing our first photo shoot, we also needed to take the images which would feature on the inside sleeve. Therefore, for convenience and to ensure we complete our media coursework for the deadline, we felt it would be appropriate to re-shoot the amended photograph for our front cover and the photographs for our inside sleeve at the same time. 

Amended CD Digipak Front Cover Photographs
Before taking the photographs for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, we needed to take the amended photographs for the front cover of our CD digipak. As our initial front cover photograph was suggested to be not controversial enough, our main priority with the amended photograph was to ensure that it was controversial. Therefore to ensure this was projected, we wanted to have each band member taking part in some form of controversial behaviour.

Above, are the first two photographs which were taken for the front cover of our CD digipak. Although the angle and the placement of the camera was exactly what we wanted, after viewing the images, we felt as both Chelsea and Nikki (Centre and Right) were taking part in controversial behaviour, smoking and drinking, I looked rather out of place just sitting there. Therefore we did not feel the behaviour was consistent enough, between each band member, and felt the images were not right for the front cover. 

Amended CD Digipak Front Cover Final Chosen Photograph 
This is the third photograph which was taken for the front cover of our CD digipak.  

As we were unhappy with the first and previous two images, we ensured that all of the band members were taking part in some form of controversial behaviour, including swearing, smoking and drinking, to ensure behaviour was consistent. Therefore, we were very pleased with the third image which was taken, and will be using this image on the front cover of our CD digipak. We feel the angle and position of the camera is very good, featuring the band members in the centre, which will be the main focal point of the front cover. There is also a sufficient amount of clear space both above and below the band members, which allows us to place the title (the bands name) text onto the image without interfering with or hiding the band members. This is very important as we want the band members to be visible, as their behaviour is important to portray the right effect. 

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Tester Photographs
After taking the amended photographs for the front cover of our CD digipak, we then needed to take photographs for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak. Before taking the actual photographs for our inside sleeve, we took tester photographs, which are displayed below. 

We felt it was important to take tester photographs, to ensure all the elements of the photos were what we wanted and how we wished them to look. As we had a selection of two background locations we wished to use, we initially took the tester photographs using our first chosen location, a brick wall. After viewing the photographs, we decided we would not like to use the brick wall as the location for our actual photographs, specifically as we felt the busy patterns and textures of the brick were quite distracting, drawing attention away from the band members within the images, of whom we want to be the main focus, therefore we will be using a fence backdrop for our actual photographs. We also decided to take the photographs during the day to see if this would be beneficial to our images. However, we felt that with such an exposure to bright light, the photographs appeared slightly washed out, where as we wanted our images to have a higher contrast and a larger amount of depth and shadow, to achieve a more edgy effect to the image, therefore we will be taking our actual photographs during dusk/night time.

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Photographs
After taking the tester photographs for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, we then took the actual photographs for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, with the decided amendments from the tester photographs applied.  

Above, are the first two images which were taken with the camera. Although we had the correct placement and angle of the camera, and the model (me) in the right placement with the background, the flash on the camera appeared to be set incorrectly and go off too late. Therefore the camera had already been taken away from the model and moved from the correct position, whilst the photograph was taken, hence these photographs were incorrect and not appropriate  for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak.

After the first two pictures had been incorrect due to the miss timing of the flash on the camera, we ensured to check the timing of the flash was correct before taking each photograph. To ensure we had a good selection of images to choose from, we took around 2 or 3 photos for each individual, from a variety of different angles and camera positions and including a variety of different body language from  each individual. After viewing each of the images, and placing them onto the inside sleeve to see which combination of images would be the most suitable with one another, we decided the 6 images above, would be the least suitable for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, each for individual reasons, such as for example, appearing too stylised, specifically when we wanted the images to appear more candid. 

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Final Chosen & Edited Photographs
Below, are the photographs which we have chosen to use in the inside sleeve of our CD digipak.

We have selected these three images to use for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, for a variety of reasons. We felt the selection of images overall displays a good variety of camera angles and positions, which allows the images to look different from one another and less stylised, emphasising the candid appearance which we hoped to had gained. Each image also displays a variety of body language, and each band member participating in some form of controversial behaviour, that is consistent with the type of behaviour they are participating in on with the front cover photograph, which not only emphasises the shocking atmosphere we wished to project, but also allows all the photographs with the CD digipak to be in keeping with one another. After selecting the three images we wished to use, we then applied a number of effects to give the images an appearance, as if they had been taken with a disposable camera. These included lowering the saturation of the image and heightening the contrast, to create a more edgy effect, added a grainy and scratchy texture, which emphasises the dishevelled appearance and a vignette gradual border to the outer edge, to create an almost burnt edging, again emphasising the dishevelled atmosphere, overall allowing us to project the chaotic and controversial atmosphere we  wanted to create, to attract our target audience. 

12 October 2011

Magazine Advertisement Third Draft

Magazine Advertisement Third Draft

This is the third draft for our magazine advertisement. Although we were very pleased with the second draft of our magazine advertisement, after receiving feedback from our lecturer, there were a few minimal changes she suggested which we felt would benefit our magazine advertisement, allowing it to appear realistic and professional. We have added a quotation to the Kerrang magazine review, which is featured at the top of the page. This allows to relate greatly to our target audience, who enjoy indie, electronic and the rock genre of music and of whom most are likely to purchase or read Kerrang magazine. Observing a favourable review from a magazine they regularly enjoy or trust to provide a good choice a music, may encourage them to be interested in listening to or even purchasing the CD. We have also placed endorsement logos, in the bottom left hand corner, which appeared to be a conventional aspect of magazine advertisements. These consist of the logos for both Pepsi and Blackberry, which we have particularly chosen as these brands are very popular and commonly present within the the lives of our target audience. Furthermore, we have also placed a faint image of the CD digipack front cover onto the iPod. This simply allows the iPod to appear more realistic, whilst also further promoting the front cover to the audience, encouraging them to identify the CD within stores. 

11 October 2011

CD Digipack Back Cover First & Final Draft

CD Digipak Back Cover First & Final Draft

This is the first draft we have produced the back cover of our CD digipak. We are very pleased with the overall ending result, particularly how similar we were able to create it to the initial flat plan design. When first creating the back cover, we did worry as to whether placing the song title text onto the cigarettes, would still allow the text too be visible and easy to read. Therefore we ensured to select a very simple and traditional font, which was not too complicated and placed the text in a dark colour, allowing it to stand out from the lighter colour shade of the cigarette, ensuring the text could be seen and easily read by the viewer. The only additional change we have created asides from the initial flat plan, is the small description in the bottom left hand corner, which simply states copyright laws and album production information. After researching many of the back covers we used as inspiration for our own, this information was present on all of them, therefore as this seemed to be a typical convention, we felt it would be beneficial to add this in order for the back cover of our CD digipak to look realistic and professional. 

10 October 2011

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve First Draft

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve First Draft

This is first draft we have produced, for the inside sleeve of our CD digipak. We are very pleased with first result of the inside sleeve, as it appears to be very similar to the initial design we had hoped to create. We also are particularly happy as the design appears to be very fitting with both the front cover of our CD digipak and the magazine advertisement, which ultimately will allow the overall package to look professional and consistent. We are also very pleased with how the image appears to have maintained very realistic qualities. When we initially drew the flat plan image we were happy with our design, however we felt, the image if not created correctly could become too 'animated' or 'cartoon' like. This could cause the image to loose the overall emphasis on the  realism, which was an important factor. As we wanted to create a layout and image that appeared similar to the desk of perhaps our target audience, featuring items which they may have or use regularly, which may heighten the uses and gratification featured, in particular personal identity, providing our target audience with the ability to successfully identify their own values, behaviour etc within the image.  Therefore instead of creating images using Photo Shop, we chose a collection of images from the web containing the items we wanted then cut them out and placed them into the inside sleeve using Photo Shop. Initially, we have created the overall layout for the inside sleeve, however as evident above, the polaroid photographs contain no images. Therefore as we have yet to participate in the photo shoot and take the photographs, we will place them images in the polaroids when complete.

09 October 2011

Feedback - CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft & Magazine Advertisement Second Draft

After producing the first draft for our CD digipak front cover and the second draft for our magazine advertisement, we felt it would be useful to gain feedback, in order to see if we had created successful products or whether there were any improvements we could make. We gained this, by asking our lecturer to assess the work we had produced, using specific feedback forms. 

For both of the printed tasks, we received a grade B, which is our target grade. Therefore we seem to be making sufficient progress with our project and producing high level work. However, If were are to make the appropriate improvements, it could be possible for our group to achieve an A grade for our project.

Below are the feedback forms, which display which aspects of the tasks we have successfully completed, the strengths of the work we have produced and the areas in which we could improve the work we have produced.

CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft Feedback

After observing the feedback we gained on our CD digipak front cover first draft, our lecturer felt the attitude, body language and the staging we had used within our photographs was very good, specifically as it suggested we have a good knowledge of our target audience. As we have tried to reflect typical 'youth' behaviour within the image, such as having an 'care free' or 'not bothered' attitude and engaging in behaviour such as drinking or smoking, which will help to relate to our target audience age group of 16-25. She felt the text and image were well integrated with one another.  However, she felt although the font was good, it could 'lift' off the page a little more. Therefore, we could add a border or a darker shadow, allowing the text to stand off from the background more. She also felt that although we had an appropriate image, it could be slightly more punchy or controversial too suit the name of the band. Therefore,  we could possibly add some controversial graffiti, using photo shop brushes,  onto the fence featured in the background and maybe a larger use of props that are consistent with the theme, such as empty alcohol bottles or cans on the grass in the foreground of the image. To improve the overall grade of our CD digipack, we  should also complete the full digipack, including the back cover and the inside sleeve. 

Magazine Advertisement Second Draft Feedback

After observing the feedback we gained on our magazine advertisement second draft, our lecturer felt overall we had produced a very good magazine advertisement, that was very quirky, youthful and full of energy, particularly in the use of colours and images. She also felt we displayed a good understanding of the conventions for both our genre and magazine advertisements and endorsements, such as advertising where the CD could be purchased or CD reviews from various music magazines. These both overall, displayed that we had a good awareness of our target audience and how to relate and cater our product to their needs. However, she also felt we could add more endorsements, to allow the magazine advertisement to look professional and realistic. Too create a more realistic magazine advertisement, she also felt it could be beneficial too add a quotation from a music magazine, reviewing the album, which would reassure the readers that the CD would be a great purchase, specifically if it were to be reviewed by a very popular music magazine. Lastly she felt that we could also place a faint image of the CD digipak front cover onto the iPod, to allow the iPod to tie in with the overall advertisement and ensure the image looks realistic. 

08 October 2011

Magazine Advertisement Second Draft

Magazine Advertisement Second Draft 

This is the second draft of our magazine advertisement. We have made no additional changes to the original first draft of our magazine advertisement which we created, as we felt it looked good and professional and turned out better then we had hoped. However now that we have completed our photo shoot and the first draft of our CD digipak front cover, we were able to replace the white blank CD, with our front cover image. This was the most important aspect to complete, as this is what the magazine advertisement will be advertising to audiences, allowing them to identify the CD and purchase it. 

07 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft

CD Digipak Front Cover First Draft

This is the first draft for our CD digipak front cover, which we are very pleased with. This is quite similar to our initial flat plan we created, however we have made a few changes and alternatives, which I feel benefit our cover. We have used very few props compared to what we initially intended, however I feel this has turned out much better, as if many props were to be used this could have distracted attention away from the band members. I feel it would be very important to ensure the band members are the main focus, as this would allow audiences to identify them and then connect them or identify them within the music video, or visa versa, to allow the overall package to be effective and consistent. In addition we have kept the font we intended, however we have also added a crinkled paper texture, which we feel works very well and creates a very unique effect, rather then just having plain text. We also added a vintage border effect, which we feel works very well with the washed out, faded colours and compliments the entire image and theme very well. 

06 October 2011

Magazine Advertisement First Draft

Magazine Advertisement First Draft

This is the first draft for our magazine advertisement, which we produced using the software Photoshop. This is quite similar to the original drawing we had designed for our initial flat plan, however we whilst creating the magazine advertisement, we made a few changes and alterations. Firstly, rather then having the entire background consist of colourful paint splats, we placed the paint splats onto a wooden background, whilst also making them slightly transparent. This was purely to benefit the advertisement, as when creating the background entirely with paint splats, we felt it appeared to colourful, busy and confusing on the eye, when combined with the colours of all the other objects on the page. Therefore, we have still kept the paint splats, to keep it consistent with the overall package, but allowed them to be much more subtle. Rather then just featuring an plain iPod on the page, we also thought this would be a good placement to advertise that the CD could be purchased on iTunes. This also provided us with the idea to advertise the stores in which the CD would be sold, which we did not feature on the initial flat plan. We felt featuring where you could purchase the CD, gave a more realistic and professional appearance. Also using two of the most popular places to purchase music, iTunes and HMV, could project that the CD is good and is worth being purchased, if it is willing to be sold here. This draft was intended to feature a basic layout and rough draft, which we would then change drastically later, to allow it to reach the professional standards, of a realistic magazine advertisement. However we were very pleased with how the first draft has turned out, therefore we would like to make as minimal changes as possible to it. However as evident, the CD is blank, therefore the major alteration we will need to make, will be the addition of the CD digipak front cover, which is specifically important as this is what the advertisement is advertising and will allow the audience to identify the CD in stores. 

05 October 2011

CD Digipak Front Cover Initial Photo Shoot Practice & Chosen Image (Original Images)

Before taking the actual photographs for the front cover of our CD digipak, I first set up my camera on the tripod and took initial practice shots of the other group members in the positions they would be standing in, in the actual photographs. This allowed us to check how far away and where we needed to place the camera to ensure the correct proportion of the models and location were in the photograph, and they could be seen clearly and were not too far away. It also enabled us to see whether the location worked well and the lighting from the sky and both the flash of the camera was sufficient, to ensure we could see the models and it was not to bright. 

Photo Shoot Tester Shots
Below are the two tester photographs we took. Here it was evident that the camera was placed too far away from the models, as too much of the location was present in the photographs, specifically of the grass, whilst the models were distant, meaning their props and facial and body language was hardly visible. 

Photo Shoot Initial Practice (Unusable Photographs)
After taking our tester shots with the camera, to ensure the camera was correct, we then began to take the photographs for our CD cover.

Above is the first image which was taken. Although the props and poses and position of models were correct, the focus on the camera moved due to the windy weather conditions, causing the photograph to become blurry and out of focus.

Above is the second image which was taken. Although we fixed the focus on the camera and ensured the camera was fixed to the tripod correctly to make sure the wind would alter the camera, the timer we had set appeared to go off too soon for the photograph. This meant unfortunately some of us within the photograph had  moved or began to talk, as we were not ready for the photograph.  However we did particularly like the pose and facial expression Laurie (end left) displayed, therefore we decided we will use this image of her on the front cover image. 

Photo Shoot Chosen Photographs
For the the other images we produced, the focus, poses and facial expressions were perfect for each photograph. The only difference between each image, was a slight minor change in the body language or pose by each model. Therefore we will simply choose the best image for each model, combining the best image of myself, Chelsea and Nikki, with the image we chose of Laurie above in Photo Shop, for the front cover image. This will allow our CD digipack front cover to look professional and help us to achieve the dramatic effect we hope for.

04 October 2011

Photo Shoot Location Recce

Before taking our photographs, it is important that we have completed the recce questions to ensure we have taken into consideration everyone’s health, and everyone will be safe whilst taking part.

Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place?
As we will be taking our photographs outdoors, there are multiple potential hazards which could take place. If it does rain, this could damage electrical equipment, specifically the camera, but could also cause electrical shocks if the items are to be touched. There could also be a major risk of trips and falls, over any of the props or equipment, or any other items that maybe left lying around outside.

What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised?
To help minimise these potential hazards, we will make sure to take the photographs on a day which is dry and sunny. However if the weather unfortunately is too change, we could use a marquee to ensure the outdoor backdrop is still visible, but the equipment will still be safe and dry. We will also make sure to clean the entire outdoor area first, to make sure there are no large or sharp objects lying around. The props used must also not be left lying around after using them within the photos, and must be placed in a reasonable place, such as on a table.

Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this?
As we will be taking the photographs outside, we will need to ensure the weather is nice and not raining as this could spoil the costume and make-up of the models and not too windy as this could disrupt the movement of the camera tripod, however if the weather is too change we will have  marquee nearby. We will also need to take the images during the day to ensure all the models, props and details will be clearly visible in the photographs and we will not need any extra lighting equipment to highlight this, as we will be relying on natural light sources. 

Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want?
The background we will be using is a fence or a brick wall, which is in a closed area of our friend’s garden; therefore it will be particularly easy to ensure we get the background we want. An issue which could interfere with the background would be the weather however, which we have addressed in the above questions. 

Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect?
For the photographs we will be taking, we will be using all outdoor natural lighting. Therefore an issue which could arise, maybe, if the sun is too bright, this could reflect on the camera lens and cause the photographs to be very bright, making it hard to identify any of the personnel or props within the images, which are important in our photographs to project the right effect. Therefore on my camera I will be using a flash that is best suited to a sunny weather condition, which will allow the camera to take the photographs with as much clarity and precision as possible.

Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind?
As we will be taking the photos in the back garden of one of the group members we will only need permission from her. This is much more reliable as it is easier to plan when we can take the photos and the most suitable time, as she is part of the group.

Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B?
As the entire group will be featured in the photographs and the photos will be taking place at one of the group members house, we have all arranged to come together at an appropriate time in which we will all be available and the venue will be available. The camera we will be using to take the photographs is my personal camera; therefore we did not need permission to use this. I felt this was more appropriate, as I had knowledge and felt comfortable using it could and access the photos afterwards easily. The tripod which we will be using for the photographs, we have borrowed from the media department in our college.  Although these are rather easy to gain access to, it could also gain problems for our group. If the images need to be delayed and taken at a different time, another group may require the the tripod for their coursework, therefore it will not be available to us. Therefore we must plan in advance, when the tripod will be available to us with our lecturer. 

03 October 2011

Photo Shoot Planning

Before taking the photographs for our CD digipak, we must ensure to plan sufficiently before hand in order to make sure we have the correct equipment and props for the photographs, our location is appropriate and each member of the group is aware of exactly how we want the image to appear.

What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?
Rather than emotional, we would like our photo to have a very dramatic impact on the reader. As the music promo video will feature teenagers at a party, participating in very wild behaviour, we would like our image to be consistent with this, and having a shocking effect on the audience.

What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
For the photographs, we will be featuring the members of the band. We felt this was appropriate as it allows the viewer to identify with who the band are, specifically the image on the front cover by connecting the image in with the band featured in the video.  We also felt this would be best as young bands are very popular with the teenage and young adult audience we are targeting our product towards. Also featuring band members that are almost same age as our target audience will be more relatable and possibly enhance the gratification of personal identity, allowing the audience to identify themselves with the values of those in the band.

What props will you need?
We will be using minimal props, as we want the image to be very dramatic and too many props, could cause the image to be too busy and distracting from the members of the band. The props we will be using, will consist of cigarettes and alcohol, to be both consistent with the music video, therefore allowing the overall package too look professional and emphasise the shocking behaviour.

How are you going to emphasise colour?
For the photographs we want to use quite a large amount of colour, to allow the images to maintain consistent with the colourful layout and effects we have used on the magazine advertisement and the layout of the CD digipak. We will be emphasising the colour featured on the models and props, by using a plain and washed out coloured backdrop, in the form of a fence or brick wall. This block colour will contrast with the many colours featured on the models clothing, creating more emphasis on each person, to attract the reader’s attention to them. This is important as we want to attract the viewer to the  members of the band, encouraging them to notice the behaviour they are taking part in such as drinking or smoking, increasing the shocking impact we hope to achieve.

Have you briefed your personnel/models?
The models we will be using for the photographs will be the other members of the group. This will be much easier as they are aware of what needs to be done for the photographs and when they need to be produced, as they have participated in every part of the planning of the project.

What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
To maintain the photographs realistic and natural approach, we will be using natural outdoor lighting. A piece of equipment we will be using whilst taking the photographs will be tripod. Although we want the images to look very candid, therefore the photographs do not need to perfectly straight, we will need the tripod for convenience purposes as all the members of the band will be appearing in the images, we need to have the camera at a high angle and we would have no personnel to take the photographs from such a angle. 

Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
For both the images placed on the front cover and the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, we will be shooting the images outside, using a fence or wall as a backdrop. We decided to use this, as we felt we wanted the images to appear more realistic and candid, rather then using a a stylised, studio background. regular outdoor backdrop, would allow the image to appear like just a regular photograph, which adds to the realism.

Make-up? Costume?
As featured in our costume and make-up research, we will be using fashion and make-up that is highly influenced by the indie rock/rock vibe, consisting of grungy clothing and dark and bold make-up, which is very popular with bands and artists of the music genre we have chosen, which will therefore allow us to create a professional appearance to our overall package. As this has become very popular in the current fashion market, specifically with our target audience in clothing stores such as Top Shop/Man and H&M, this will also help us to relate to our target audience, and  increase the gratification of personal identification.