23 September 2011

Characters Ideas

Although we are not creating a film trailer, therefore do not neccessarily need to create particular characters, we will be creating a music video, that has somewhat of a storyline, therefore there will be people or 'characters' involved. For our music promo video, we will be featuring the members of the band and other teenagers partying, therefore although there is no specific storyline, we still need the characters featured to fit a specific type of character, in order to allow the music video to look professional and consistent with the theme. After producing research into various TV shows and movies, that follow a similar theme to the plot of our music promo video, we felt the types of characters portrayed in TV programmes such as Skins or Misfits, would be ideal to us. These type of characters, can be displayed in the video below, which features the trailer for the third series of the TV show Skins. 

As evident in the video above, these characters are portrayed as typical British teenagers. They often participate in reckless behaviour, appear to be very care free and enjoy drinking alcohol and partying regularly. These type of characters would fit perfectly within the plot of our music video. They also appear to reflect aspects of an average teenager or young adults life, therefore this would allow our target audience to relate to the video effectively, as many of them may see themselves reflected in the characters. 

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