26 September 2011

Music Promo Video Soundtrack

For our music promo video, we felt that writing and recording our own piece of music would be too complicated and time taking, for the limited time we have to produce our coursework. Therefore for our music promo video, we will using a already recorded piece of music, that is of the electronic, grime and indie rock genre, the genre of music we chose when producing our initial research. 

After listening to a variety of songs, the song we have chosen to use and to create our music promo video to is We Are Rockstars by the band Does It Offend You, Yeah?, which is displayed below. 

We chose this song, as we felt it was very in keeping with the theme we would like to portray within the music video. This consists of a teenage out of control party, therefore using a electronic indie tone we felt would be the most appropriate for that plot. Our music promo video, will also be aimed at a teenage and young adult audience and after producing target audience research we found that this genre of music today, is increasingly popular with that particular audience, which would allow us to reach and relate to our target audience in all aspects and gain the popularity we would need when promoting a music video.

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