13 September 2011

Inspirations For CD Digipak Front Cover

Pegasus Bridge - Ribena Album Cover

This is my favourite album cover and is my main inspiration, for our album cover. The layout is very minimalistic, which I would like to replicate as it is not too busy or over powering, which would be much more easy and appealing for the public to view. I like the image, which also appears to be very minimalistic, with no use of props or a busy background image which could distract from the band members. Instead we can see the band clearly, which allows the viewer to recognise and identify them clearly. I also like the colour and vintage effect which is applied to the image, which allows all aspects of the cover to to be consistent with one another and compliment each other really well.

All Time Low - Dirty Work Album Cover
My favourite part of this album cover is the layout, which is quite similar to the Pegaus Bridge album cover, with a minimalistic and typical layout placing the band image in the centre focal point and the band name at the top of the cover, which again is very appealing and easy on the eye. I also like the use of contrasting colour, with the image of the band members and the title placed in black and white, whilst the background is placed in a bold red colour, to allow the black and white aspects to stand out. I also like the use of body language and props used in the image of the band members, which I would like to replicate in our album cover, allowing the album cover to stay consistent with the party theme of the music promo video. 

You Me At Six Photo Shoot
Allow this is not an album cover, I particularly like this image which I would like to take as inspiration for the central image of the band which will be used on our album cover. The image features what appears to be the aftermath of a party, therefore not only will it be appealing to our 16-25 year old target audience, but it would also be consistent with the party theme of our music promo video. 

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