29 September 2011

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Flat Plan

Before we create the design for our CD digipak inside sleeve, on Photoshop, we have first drawn an initial rough draft as an idea of how we wish the inside sleeve to appear, which will provide us with a guideline for our creation. This initial rough draft can be displayed below.

CD Digipak Inside Sleeve Flat Plan Initial Design

Rationale Questions
Within the inside sleeve of CD digipak, we will be using a number of bright colours, which will be mainly featured on the items which are placed around the polaroid photographs. Unlike both the front cover and back cover, we don't want to place as many bright colours, specifically in the form of paint splats, as we feel the entire CD digipak may become too busy and uneasy on the eye of the audience. However we still want the inside sleeve to remain consistent, reflecting the chaotic and messy theme throughout the use of bright colours, therefore we will be placing the bright colours on the items such as the lighter and gig wristband. 

Within the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, we will be placing four polaroid type photographs, featuring each of the band members. For the location and backdrop of the photographs, we will be a fence or a break wall, the same as the backdrop we will be using for the photograph featured on the front cover, which will allow the inside sleeve to be consistent with the front cover. We have also chose to use an everyday, outdoor backdrop as we want the images to appear very candid, as if they are just regular photographs, in comparison to if a stylised studio backdrop were to be used. This will heighten the uses and gratification of personal identification, relating the photographs taken at a party, to the lifestyles of our target audience, who may have taken similar photographs. The props we will be using, will be consistent with those in the front cover photographs, with items such as cigarettes and alcohol. This will emphasis the deviancy and controversial behaviour, helping to provoke shock from the audience, like we had intended. However, this will also again allow the images to be relatable to the lifestyles of our target audience, who often engage in similar controversial behaviour. For the camera angles, we are hoping to use quite close up of each band member and to place the camera at tilted, unusual angles, which will allow the photographs to look more candid and spontaneous. Lastly we will also be added a vintage and scratched effect to the photographs and lower the saturation and increasing the contrast. This will allow the photographs to be consistent, by reflecting the destructive and chaotic nature of the overall theme of the project. 

The main text which we will be featuring on the inside sleeve of our CD digipak, will be the names of each of the band members which we will be placing onto the polaroid photographs. We feel this would be suitable, as the band would be relatively unknown, this would allow us to somewhat introduce the band members to the audience and add more of a personal and relatable touch. We will also be featuring the title of the album. Although this is conventionally placed on the front cover, we want to keep the main focus on the name and image of the band, therefore  we will be placing this on the inside sleeve, to allow the audience to still be aware of the name of the album. 

For the names of each band member we will be featuring on our inside sleeve, we will be using the font HammerKeys. We have chose this as the font has a typewriter text appearance, and we want the text to appear like a label has been placed on the polaroid photograph, which will emphasise the overall realistic desk appearance, we are hoping to achieve. We will also be placing this text in a white coloured font to allow the text to stand out against the polaroid photographs. For the album title text, we will be using the font Myriad Pro. We have chose to use this font, as we want the text to appear like it is printed on wrist band, and this font is simple and bold, and will appear like printed text. We will place this text in a black font, to allow it to stand out against the bright yellow background of the wristband. 

For the layout of our inside sleeve, we will firstly be placing the polaroid photographs, horizontally along the centre of the page. Specifically as we want the photographs of the band members to be the main focus, and the first thing the audience will notice, therefore it is more appropriate to place in them in the centre focal point of the page. However, we will also be surrounding the photographs, with items such as money, cigarettes and gig tickets, very effortlessly to create a somewhat messy and carefree layout. We will be doing this to create the appearance of a desktop, specifically one which belongs to someone of our target audience age group, which will appeal to our target audience and allow them to relate to the inside sleeve effectively.

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