25 September 2011

Music Promo Video Initial Ideas & Synopsis

As we have produced extensive research and planned the initial ideas for all aspects of our project, including the theme, the designs for the printed aspects, the genre, the target audience, the costume and make-up, the characters and the photo shoots, we felt we had an efficient basis to create the overall plot for our music promo video.

Music Promo Video Plot Ideas

The plot or synopsis of our music promo video, will focus and revolve around a group of teenagers partying in a derelict location. However the video will begin, displaying the aftermath of a party and will be played in reverse, right back to the beginning, before the party has taken place. We liked the idea of showing the aftermath of the party first, as it evokes more curiosity from the viewer, encouraging them to want to know what events which lead up to this happening, leading them to watch the entire music promo video. Within the video, we will also be using a variety of shot types and video editing such as a zoom and motion blur, which will be used to emphasise the intoxication of the teenagers whilst drinking and various camera movements and techniques, such as fixing the camera to various people or objects to emphasise the realism of the events. The words 'We Are Rockstars' the title of the song, which we will be using, will also be shown spray painted throughout the video. 

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