19 September 2011

Inspirations For Magazine Advertisement

Stone Roses Album Magazine Advert
This was my favourite album magazine advert, particularly the background, which is has a paint splatter effect. This I feel would be again in keeping with the theme of the music promo video, however I feel the colour theme used here to be rather dull and faded. The colour theme we would like to use instead, would consist of bright neon colours, which furthermore would allow the vintage, pale and faded album cover to stand out more and catch the readers eye on the magazine page. The stone roses logo, I would replace with and image of our CD cover, as placed in the centre of the page, the image will gain more attention.

Santigold Lights Out Album Magazine Advert
I chose this magazine advertisement particularly for the use of font and images. I liked how the images and text appear the be cut out of paper and taped together rather carelessly. This would be very suitable for our magazine advertisement, as the tatty and torn appearance would fit very well with my party theme of both my album cover and music video, to allow for consistency. I also like how the background is patterned and very busy, something I would be keen on using on our advertisement. In addition to being combined with plain coloured text, this would allow our text to stand out firmly on the page and catch the readers eye whilst in a magazine.

Crystal Castles Album Magazine Advert
I have chosen this magazine advert as one of my inspirational texts mainly for its use of imagery and layout. I like how they have numerous images associated with the theme of the band and have overlapped them to create a type of collage, which is very unique and effective. I also like the layout with the image taking centre focal point within the advertisement, as this is the area which is most likely to attract the readers eye this will create more emphasis on the effect of the imagery

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