30 September 2011

CD Digipak Back Cover Flat Plan

Before we create the design for our CD digipak back cover, on Photoshop, we have first drawn an initial rough draft as an idea of how we wish the back cover to appear, which will provide us with a guideline for our creation. This initial rough draft can be displayed below.

CD Digipak Back Cover Flat Plan Initial Design

Rationale Questions
Within the back cover of our CD digipak, we will be featuring a large number of bright colours, specifically on the background, in the form of paint splats which will be placed onto a wooden background texture. This allows the back cover to reflect the 'party' and chaotic theme and be consistent with the other aspects of the CD digipack and the overall project. Furthermore creating the background to consist of bright colours, will also allow the cigarettes to stand out, which will be featured in more pastel colours like white and grey, which is particularly important as we want the cigarettes to stand out as they will contain the name of each song title.

For the back cover of our CD digipak, we won't be featuring any photographic images, we will simply be using photo shopped/animated images. This will mainly consist of the use of cigarettes. We feel this would be appropriate as it, not only provides areas in which the song titles can be placed, but allows the back cover to reflect the theme of reckless behaviour. 

The first item of text, we will be featuring on the back cover of our CD digipak, will be the names of the tracks featured on the CD. This is simply for conventional and convenience purposes, as it allows the audience to identify which tracks are on the CD. This also allows the viewers to identify that the song featured on the music promo video is also available on the CD, identifying the CD digipack and the artist with the music promo video, that they will have viewed. We will be featuring links to the websites of  both the artist and the record company, which is beneficial and relatable to our target audience, as the internet is very common part of the lifestyle of teenager and young adults. We will also be featuring a copyright disclaimer onto the back cover. This was simply as it is a very conventional aspect and is featured on all the back covers of CD digipaks, therefore this will ensure our back cover is too professional standards. 

For the song titles which will be featured on the back cover, the font we will be using will be Nova Solid. We have chose to use this font simply as its solid and bold, and will allow the track numbers and the information to be read easily. We will also be featuring this font, as we will be using it on the other aspects of the CD digipak and the magazine advertisement, therefore allowing the overall project to be consistent. We will also be placing the song title text in a dark coloured font, to ensure the text stands out against the white grainy effect of the cigarettes. For both the website links and the copyright information, as the text will be featured quite small, we will use a thinner and more simpler font such as Cambria, to ensure the text can be read easily. We will also be placing this text in a white font, to ensure the text stands out against the bright colourful background. 

For the layout of our back cover, we will be featuring the names of each song track, almost centralised down the centre of the page. This allows the reader to identify the track names and numbers easily, which is particularly important for when the audience maybe trying to find the a specific song they may want to play. However we feel if were to place the song titles in a neat centralised layout, it would seem inconsistent with the chaotic theme of the CD digipak and the overall project. Therefore we will be slightly placing the track names apart from each other at various angles, to create a messy appearance, whilst still allowing the text to be readable. We will be placing the barcode in the bottom right hand corner and the copyright text in the bottom left hand corner, simply as this is conventional and therefore will ensure our back cover looks professional. 

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