21 September 2011

Target Audience - Results

To allow us to appeal to our target audience correctly, we felt it would be appropriate to conduct a questionnaire. After respondents completed the questionnaire on the blog, we then created a chart displaying the results for each question, which can be displayed in the image below. 

Within the questionnaire, we devised questions on both the lifestyle of the respondent and questions on how and why a music promo video, a CD digipak and a magazine advertisement would appeal to the respondent. This allows us to gain knowledge on how we can relate to the lifestyles of our target audience and how we can cater the design of our products to attract our target audience successfully. 

From the results, we can see clearly that the target audience for our music promo video, CD digipak and magazine advertisement will mainly consist of those between the ages of 16-25 and of both male and female gender. They will be students in education, with the majority also being unemployed, whilst a few also have part time jobs. Their hobbies include, enjoying going out and socialising with friends and listening to music. We can suggest, that as young students, spending time with friends, partying and listening to music both at home and at gigs is very important to them and their lifestyles. Therefore when designing and creating our products, we will be sure to emphasise these elements to allow them to relate, and feel a sense of connection and understanding with the artists/band members portrayed.

For clothing purchases, we can see that our target audience, mainly shop at popular high street stores such as H&M, Top Man, Top Shop and River Island. Therefore, for the costumes featured within our music promo video, they will be influenced by our chosen music genre, whilst also reflecting the latest high street fashion trends, to allow our target audience to relate to the band members and the characters within the video. 

The genres of music they mainly enjoy listening too, consist of indie, rock, dub-step and electronic. This is beneficial as  the genre of music we have initially chosen for our project is, electronic, grime and indie-rock, therefore our target audience are likely to enjoy the song we will choose, encouraging them to view the music promo video and most likely purchase the CD digipak. 

Our target audience, also enjoy going to music gigs/concerts/festivals regularly, as they mainly enjoy participating and being apart of the atmosphere. Therefore to appeal to our target audience, we will emphasis the chaotic and upbeat 'party' like atmosphere which is projected at music events. 

From the questions, that were specific about our chosen products, we can firstly see that our target audience enjoy watching music videos, mainly via the internet on websites such as YouTube. Therefore when promoting our music promo video, it would be best to do this via YouTube, as we would be more likely to gain feedback from our target audience. We can also see that when viewing a music promo video, they particularly enjoy watching one which involves a narrative or storyline and a hint of comedy and humour. Therefore, when devising the final storyline and plot for our music promo video, we must ensure to create a storyline or narrative that involves the characters enjoying themselves and having fun and ensure the storyline is not too dramatic or serious. For our CD digipak, we can see that in order to attract our audience, it will be mainly important to use bright and eye catching colours and images of the artist and band, whilst also using images that relate to the lifestyle of our target audience and a catchy font. For our magazine advertisement, to appeal to our target audience, we can see it is important to mainly include a use of bright and eye catching colours, images that relate to our target audience and recommendations, whilst also being slightly influenced by a catchy font.

This will ensure that the music promo video will be highly comparative to the lifestyles and ideologies of this target audience. It is very important to understand your target audience as having knowledge of who they are, what they like, what they need etc. can allow you have better communication with your audience and a better impact, with a package that is sufficiently targeted towards them. The uses and gratification consist of both personal identity and diversion. Personal identity will be due to the theme and age of the characters used in the music promo video. The audience will be easily able to relate and connect with the characters and with the theme of the video being a party, we understand this is something all teenagers enjoy. Diversion maybe perhaps due to the wild party and reckless behaviour featured in the music promo video, which could help divert the audience from their lives as it maybe something they would like to participate in themselves. 

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